Elevate Your Leadership Development Efforts

Our new savings calculator lets you visualize the financial benefits of investing in your leadership

VeeMind Calculator

Save money with our leadership platform

Enter the following information to see how much your company can save with VeeMind

Calculate savings with VeeMind


Based on our past client's results, we estimate the following savings

Company summary

  • Your industry -

  • Company size (headcount) -

  • Managers (% of all positions) -

  • Average salary (€) -

  • ONS, Sickness absence in the UK labour market, 2022
  • Gallup, This Fixable Problem Costs U.S. Businesses $1 Trillion
  • SHRM, 2017, Human-Capital-Benchmarking

Savings with Veemind

  • Turnover reduction by 1% from -%-

  • Sickness rate reduction by 1% -

  • Meeting length reduction by 20% -

  • Total savings -

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Realizing the true costs of bad leadership and how to prevent them

Find out how investing in your leaders can significantly reduce employee turnover, boost team performance, and positively impact your company’s bottom line

Read article